Origin | https://presearch.org | |
Wallet | ERC20 | |
Tokens | 25 | |
Est.value | $0.40 | |
Participants | unlimited | |
Ends in | 9526 day/s | |
Validation | 100% |
Token type | ERC20 | |
Total supply | 500M | |
Price/Token | 0.0159 |
Presearch is a new kind of search engine. All advertising costs are distributed over the users, and they are distributing their computing load over a decentralised network too.
Required Tools:
Concept/Idea Website Team Whitepaper
Presearch.org is an open, decentralised search engine that rewards their users with PRE tokens to search. You can also be rewarded for referring new users to use the platform.
Each search query will add 0.25 PRE tokens to your account, up to a maximum of 8 tokens per day. You can withdraw them after your account reaches 1000 PRE.